Application load balancers
Let’s start to make our infrastructure a bit more robust. We’ll start simple by adding an extra server in a different availability zone and putting a load balancer in front...
Network Access Control Lists (NACLs)
Let’s move on to NACLs. These are superficially similar to security groups but there are some key differences you need to be aware of for the exam. Like security groups,...
Working with Security Groups
Security groups are basically firewall rules that control what traffic can come into and out of your instances. A security group with no rules will block all traffic, rules are...
Working with user data
Last time we created enough infrastructure to create a public ec2 server then manually installed Apache and set up some simple web pages on it. We can automate the set...
Creating our first public web server
We’ve created a VPC, let’s put something in it to play with. In this post we’ll create an EC2 instance, log onto it with SSH, install Apache and serve a...